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Six and seven-finned Well Packers offered in Blank, PVC or steel styles. Designed to seal in hard rock using 6" - 6-1/4" hammer. The WC and WCJ Well Packers stay in place where you set it, and will not drift up or down in the well. With a standard, 21" overall length and available in PVC or steel pipe, the WCJ steel Well Packer can be constructed with National Pipe Threads (NPT) on one or both ends of the steel pipe the WCJ packer is molded onto.

Well Packer

21" overall length
Available in rubber only, on PVC, or on SCH40 steel
WC (shown) - Six fins with riblets to prevent fin collapse during installationÂ
WCJ - Six V-shaped fins to provide packer resilience down-holeÂ
Multiple rubber hardnesses available
NPT threads available on one or both ends of SCH40 steel pipe
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